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Grading ↓

The grading shall be done after the excavation of foundation: The sub-grade shall be of compacted soil 95 % or as per SOW or specifications of the project.

Excavation ↓

The following aspects shall be given to the excavation during the construction of the faculties. All the Safety and Quality related items are at the top of the ZACC’s work list.

• The excavation shall be done along the profile with width and depth as per drawing.
• The bottom level of excavation for foundation of reinforced concrete shall be properly leveled.
• Foundation excavation shall extend an adequate distance from both sides to allow for placing and removal of forms.
• The surface water shall direct away from the excavation to prevent erosion and undermining the foundation by constructing diversion ditches.

ZACC shall excavate according to the technical requirements of the scope of work and statement of work.

Work Methodology ↓

1. Survey and Site Assessment:
Our Technical team will conduct survey of the given sites for the commencement of works and for the leveling, establishment of bench marks so that the area is cleaned and grubbed.

2. Prepare Bill of Quantity and cost Estimation:
After technical study of the ZACC and site visit, a team will be constituted to conduct the market survey in order to know the market prices for the material and services which shall be provided to the project. So that the price assessment which made is for the project is a most competitive and reasonable.

3. Security of Staff, Equipment’s, Tools and Machinery:
ZACC has got its own security personnel registered with Public Protection Department of the GIRoA. Every possible care and measures shall be adopted for the security of staff. The machinery or equipment at our risk/cost. Similarly our staff will coordinate with the local authority in order to know the day to day security/ law.
4. Mobilization of Staff, Equipments, Tools and Machinery:
Mobilization of staff, Equipments, tools and machinery will be done after the site assessment and arrangement of secure and safe place for ZACC accommodation and storage.

5. Site cleaning for construction work:
The site properly cleans before starting of construction activity of the project to avoid any disturbance to the construction work process. The work site perimeter will be cleared and grubbed. Clearing will involve unskilled labors equipped with picks and shovels and if necessary light machinery shall be used.

6. Supply of construction materials and equipments:
All equipment, material, and articles incorporated into the work covered by us will be new and of the most suitable grade for the purpose intended. It will be ZACC according to the specification and code of construction which are given in the contract/ agreement.

7. Site Work:
The ZACC engineering team will conduct a proper site assessment for the implementation of the project and collect all measurements and data from the site which is needed for the project. ZACC shall locate and layout the plate form/ concrete pad in  accordance with the drawings and the Contracting Officer Representative direction/ approval prior to excavation and construction. The excavation and grading shall be done according to the below procedure.

Why choose us?

1. Local knowledge and leadership
2. Established local networks
3. Diverse expertise
4. Commitment to our goal & objectives
5. Has and can work in remote areas of Afghanistan

What we do?

1. Construction services
2. Sophisticated and robust ground support
3. Manage projects conception to completion

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