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Excavation ↓

The following aspects shall be given to the excavation during the construction of the faculties. All the Safety and Quality related items are at the top of the ZACC’s work list.

• The excavation shall be done along the profile with width and depth as per drawing.
• The bottom level of excavation for foundation of reinforced concrete shall be properly leveled.
• Foundation excavation shall extend an adequate distance from both sides to allow for placing and removal of forms.
• The surface water shall direct away from the excavation to prevent erosion and undermining the foundation by constructing diversion ditches.

ZACC shall excavate according to the technical requirements of the scope of work and statement of work.

Why choose us?

1. Local knowledge and leadership
2. Established local networks
3. Diverse expertise
4. Commitment to our goal & objectives
5. Has and can work in remote areas of Afghanistan

What we do?

1. Construction services
2. Sophisticated and robust ground support
3. Manage projects conception to completion

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