
Zia Ahmadzai Construction Company (ZACC-AF) is a 100% Afghan owned company registered with Afghanistan Investment Support Agency (AISA) under License Number D-35068.

ZACC has a group of dynamic, ambitious, skilled, dedicated, and extensive field experience staff that has worked with Government, NGOs, Department of Defense, USAID, and private sector based projects.

ZACC-AF operates in the most remote areas of Afghanistan and provides standard construction services to its clients. ZACC offers highly sophisticated and robust ground support to governments, international organizations and private-sector clients through an extensive matrix of capabilities.

We are dedicated to provide customers with solid solutions to specific project challenges, resulting in a successful product every time. We have the ability to manage projects from conception to completion in a close team environment with real estate professionals, consultants, users and owners.

ZACC owner-centric approach and strategic delivery process allow us to incorporate the customer’s specific business objectives into each project, ensuring customized, consistently dependable solutions. We provide a single point of fiscal and administrative responsibility, making it possible for customers to focus on project definition rather than on architect and subcontractor issues. This approach delivers efficiency and flexibility, minimizing time delays and eliminating lost revenues.

These core competencies include consultancy, infrastructure, engineering, designing, survey, geology, hydrology and irrigation engineering. We undertake construction according to the universal act formula and regulations.